Can I Use CBD Oil to STOP My Vertigo?

Vertigo is a condition that affects many people each year. Individuals with vertigo often describe a fear of heights, roller coasters, or even mountain climbing. Often these fears are related to symptoms they experience as a result of these activities.

These symptoms may include extreme dizziness and a loss of balance. Vertigo attacks may impact the lives of individuals along a spectrum, from mild to severe. In severe cases, some people can not walk across a bridge or climb stairs due to this condition’s effects.

Many today are left wondering if CBD oil can stop vertigo symptoms. This article will detail the vertigo condition and explore how CBD oil may help individuals suffering from vertigo.

What Is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a condition in the inner ear that makes a person feel like everything around them is suddenly spinning. It can be brought on by a sudden change in height or a change in pressure.

Vertigo can occur as a symptom of many different conditions. These include conditions that affect the brain’s ability to orient itself physically or ones that impact the inner ear.

The sensation of vertigo is more than just dizziness. People that have experienced vertigo describe it as the world spinning around them. It can leave them feeling both nauseous and panicky, with vomiting and sweating being frequent subsequent reactions.

Some people only experience vertigo as an occasional reaction to adverse conditions, such as climbing to extremely tall heights or sudden pressure changes. However, some individuals experience this phenomenon for reasons that they cannot pinpoint. It severely hinders many aspects of their lives. Routine activities such as walking, jogging, or simply watching television may prove challenging.

There are various types of medications available that aim to reduce the effects of vertigo. Sometimes these medications aren’t effective, as they either only reduce the intensity of the episode or don’t work at all based on an individual’s unique body chemistry.

People who suffer from vertigo need another way to control their condition. The question is, is CBD oil a viable option?

How Does CBD Oil Work?

Unlike THC, CBD doesn’t cause any intoxicating high due to how it interacts with the body.

When THC enters the body, it interacts with the endocannabinoid system, latching on to the CB1 receptors and overstimulating them. This produces the telltale psychoactive high that makes marijuana so well known.

The effects that CBD oil has on the body are surprisingly diverse. It produces all manner of different results. One of the most famous is its ability to help reduce inflammation, especially after activities such as exercise. It essentially is telling the body to shut down its inflammation response.

cbd oil and vertigo

However, no matter how many different conditions CBD oil can help with, the real question is whether or not CBD can be used to help treat vertigo.

How Can CBD Oil Help with Vertigo?

Despite the prolific nature of vertigo among people worldwide, there have up to now been no studies published concerning the effect of CBD oil and vertigo-dizziness.

A meta-analysis by Pamplona et al. for the Journal of Frontiers in Neurology found that when patients were taking CBD oil as part of an epilepsy study, there was a considerable reduction in their self reported dizziness.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that CBD could help alleviate the dizziness caused by vertigo. Vertigo is an entirely different intensity when compared to regular dizziness.

There is also the issue of whether or not CBD will be able to help with vertigo dizziness caused by certain conditions.

One of the main conditions that causes these sensations of vertigo – labyrinthitis – is nothing more than a recurrent inflammation of the inner ear. CBD oil has a proven ability to help reduce inflammation, as many studies have shown – like the ones in this review by Bruni et al. for the Journal of Molecules.

This makes it possible to use CBD oil as a potential option to address the inflammation that may lead to vertigo, but not necessarily as a treatment for vertigo itself.

Final Thoughts: Can I Use CBD Oil to STOP My Vertigo?

Currently, there is no empirical evidence that shows that CBD oil can act as an effective treatment for vertigo. Although there is little definitive proof CBD oil can make a difference, there are personal testimonies from many users stating that the compound does help. These anecdotal accounts also describe reduced stress from the anxiety that commonly accompanies the feelings of dizziness associated with vertigo.

What some studies have shown is that CBD oil can reduce inflammation. As inflammation of the inner ear is one of the primary causes of the dizziness associated with vertigo, CBD oil may potentially be able to help. However, until more studies are carried out, it is impossible to say that CBD oil can effectively manage vertigo symptoms definitively.

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